In mathematics, an integral polytope has an associated Ehrhart polynomial which encodes the relationship between the volume of a polytope and the number of integer points the polytope contains. The theory of Ehrhart polynomials can be seen as a higher-dimensional generalization of Pick's theorem in the Euclidean plane.
These polynomials are named after Eugène Ehrhart who studied them in 1960s.
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Informally, if P is any polyhedron or polytope, and tP is the polytope formed by expanding P by a factor of t in each dimension, then L(int P, t) is the number of integer lattice points in tP.
More formally, consider a lattice L in Euclidean space Rn and a d-dimensional polytope P in Rn, and assume that all the vertices of the polytope are points of the lattice. (A common example is L = Zn and a polytope with all its vertex coordinates being integers.) For any positive integer t, let tP be the t-fold dilation of P (the polytope formed by multiplying each vertex coordinate, in a basis for the lattice, by a factor of t), and let
be the number of lattice points contained in tP. Ehrhart showed in 1962 that L is a rational polynomial of degree d in t, i.e. there exist rational numbers a0,...,ad such that:
The Ehrhart polynomial of the interior of a closed convex polytope P can be computed as:
If P is a d-dimensional unit hypercube whose vertices are the integer lattice points all of whose coordinates are 0 or 1, then the t-fold dilation of P is a cube with side length t, containing (t + 1)d integer points. That is, the Ehrhart polynomial of the hypercube is L(P,t) = (t + 1)d.[1]
Many other figurate numbers can be expressed as Ehrhart polynomials. For instance, the square pyramidal numbers are given by the Ehrhart polynomials of a square pyramid with an integer unit square as its base and with height one; the Ehrhart polynomial in this case is (t + 1)(t + 2)(2t + 3)/6.[2]
If P is closed (i.e. the boundary faces belong to P), some of the coefficients of L(P, t) have an easy interpretation:
The case n = d = 2 and t = 1 of these statements yields Pick's theorem. Formulas for the other coefficients are much harder to get; Todd classes of toric varieties, the Riemann–Roch theorem as well as Fourier analysis have been used for this purpose.
If X is the toric variety corresponding to the normal fan of P, then P defines an ample line bundle on X, and the Ehrhart polynomial of P coincides with the Hilbert polynomial of this line bundle.